News Talk Radio Statistics
News Talk Radio Statistics

The News/Talk Radio format has a share of more than 10 percent of the radio audience nationwide. In New England, that audience is almost 25 percent higher than average. Data is Monday through Sunday 6am to midnight, Persons age 12+. View the Demographics – Listener Profile page.

News Talk Statistics Bar Chart

The Talk Radio Connection

Talk Radio makes a connection, an emotional connection relating to the human stories and insights related in the programming. Talk Radio provides the human connection all people crave with talk radio listeners feeling more connected to the region, nation, and the world. The profile of talk radio listeners is mixed; while there is a higher percentage of conservatives than liberals, independents make up more than a third of the listeners. See our News/Talk Audience Political Makeup page. Radio advertising on talk radio can be very influential over major life purchases, product purchases, and service provider decisions. Talk Radio listeners are information seekers. Provide them with the information about your business or service and help grow your customer base.