Radio Facts
Media Percentage Reach by Platform

Radio reaches close to a quarter of a billion adults in the United States, the most of any medium.

Adults 18 plus reach by medium including radio

Of the top 12 radio station formats, News/Talk is heard on 2002 radio stations in the country.

Radio stations by format

Radio is a portable and beloved medium, deeply entwined with American life. Over 3/4 of people listen in the car, almost 1/3 listen at home, and nearly 20 percent listen at other places.

Percentage of all persons 18 plus listening to radio by location each weekday

People spend a considerable amount of time with various media and radio commands a healthy 17.3% daily share of time spent with media among all adults.

Share of Daily Media TIme Spent Persons 18 plus

The News/Talk format is the most popular among Baby Boomers with 15% listening.

Percent of Baby Boomers aged 55 to 74 listening to each of group's top 3 radio formats

Radio continues to be the most popular medium in the United States with about 3000 stations added in the last 20 years, now numbering close to 15,500.

Number of commercial radio stations in the United States by year
Consumer Radio Use In home and out of home
all out of home listening by location
Hourly Reach Percentage Monday through Friday
Hourly Reach Saturday and Sunday
Thousands of users by platform in the United States
Listeners who have every listened to online radio in a car using a cellphone