Web Advertising is available on the pages of the WGAW website. Ad placement is available on the Listener Services pages which cover 25 cities and towns in North Central Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire and the individual WGAW program pages. Other pages are available as well. The web advertising is a great companion to a strong schedule of sixty second radio commercials as the website reaches regular and prospective listeners and makes an effective combination.
Banner Example: Dimensions are 375×600, but notice that when you click on the image, actual resolution is much higher. Many banners will be half this height. We recommend submitting a high resolution original. We don’t recommend a banner be this busy, but show it for emphasis on how important clear text is.

Web Banners: Standard Ad specs are 375×300 corresponding to a medium rectangle or up to 375×600 which is double the height. Greater dimensions corresponding to the same proportions are recommended for submissions to get the best possible resolution. Wide page banners are available in a 60 pixel height with width up to 1380 pixels. We will work with any advertiser to customize sizes whenever possible.
Web Audio: Commercials for web use should be in the .mp3 format at 320k. Video for web use should be in a standard .mp4 format with at least 720p resolution. We will work with any advertiser to customize sizes whenever possible.
Web Documents: Occasionally, advertisers request us to publish copies of brochures, documents, or other advertising. These should be submitted in a resolution of 150 dpi to assure easy readability and avoid unusually high file sizes. Use us as your web resource
Other items: We will make every effort to work with you.

Width of page banner may be 1200-1380 pixels wide by 60 to 90 pixels high. The first sample shown below is 1200×60. The second is 1380×69. Note that a busy ad like the one below is not as effective as one with fewer elements. In any case, it is important that all images are clear and of high quality.

Our Directory
The WGAW Business Directory can be another component of your online advertising with us. Advertising is available on the WGAW Business Directory appearing on the WGAW website. It’s a classified ad with additional perks including the ability to post photos, lengthy text about your business or service, and even embedded video or other document links. Post your business card. Post a photo of the front of your store or your big sign. Post interior photos of your products. Have a you tube video? No problem. We can embed the video so visitors can view it right out of your classified ad. Have a menu, have a brochure, we can post it for you. It’s an ad which literally comes alive.
You can have it all!
A great sixty second radio commercial to run throughout WGAW’s engaging programming.
An attention-getting banner ad running through interesting content on the WGAW website.
A classified ad like no other with text information about your business enhanced with photos and other media.