Rutland is a town in Worcester County Massachusetts with a population of around 9 thousand people. Rutland was incorporated in 1722. Rutland is 1200 feet above sea level, the highest elevation of any community between the Berkshires and the Atlantic Ocean.
To reach town hall call:
Town Administrator: (508) 886-4100
Town Clerk: (508) 886-4100 ext 3010
Fire Department: (508) 886-4107
Police Department: (508) 886-4033
To reach the school department call:
Wachusett Regional Schools: (508) 829-1670
Wachusett Regional High School: (508) 829-6771
Central Tree Middle School (508) 886-0073
Glenwood Elementary School (508) 886-0399
Naquag Elementary School: (508) 886-2901
Organizations in this community include:
Rutland Historical Society: (508) 886-4893
Rutland Free Public Library: (508) 886-4108
Council on Aging: (508) 886-4100 Option 6
Recent happenings in this community: Google News Search
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