Templeton is a town in Worcester County Massachusetts with a population of around 8200 people. Templeton is unique with four main villages of Templeton Center, East Templeton, Baldwinville, and Otter River.
To reach town hall call:
Town Administrator: (978) 894-2755
Town Clerk: (978) 894-2758
Fire Department: (978) 939-2222
Police Department:(978) 939-5638
Select Board: (978) 894-2755
To reach the school department call:
Narragansett Regional School District: (978) 939-5661
Narragansett Regional High School: (978) 939-5388
Narragansett Middle School: (978) 939-5928
Templeton Elementary School: (978) 939-8892
Organizations in this community include:
Community Services: (978) 894-2783
Boynton Public Library: (978) 939-5582
Templeton Food Pantry: (508) 826-4258
Templeton Senior Community Center: (978) 894-2780
Recent happenings in this community: Google News Search
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