2nd Annual “Winchenstock” Music Festival Saturday at the Winchendon (MA) Rod & Gun Club

WINCHENDON – August 10, 2021 – WGAW1340.com – The second annual Winchenstock music event is set Saturday at the Winchendon Rod and Gun Club to benefit the Winchendon Community Action Committee.
Several local bands will be featured, including The Fools, the Big RanDom, Point the Finger and Kilroy.
Winchendon Community Action Committee Director JENNIFER SIBLEY says the need for financial assistance for local families and individuals has increased during the pandemic. SIBLEY says 107 new clients have signed up for help in the last three months and last Friday she got four calls from homeless people who are seeking assistance.
Financial help is especially needed now since many COVID-related benefit programs are running out of money.
Tickets for Winchenstock can be purchased at the Winchendon C-A-C, LaPointe Law Office, at 91 Central Street or at the door. A Psycho Chicken BBQ will be included with your donation of $25-dollars. Children under 16 get in free with a paying adult.
Winchenstock is set Saturday, from noon to 9 P-M at the Winchendon (MA) Rod and Gun Club.